In order for your final project to look professional, you have to start out with the proper preparation. At DeFusco Industrial Supply, we stock a wide selection of prep tools that will assist you in archiving your desired results from the start. With a complete inventory of china markers, retractable utility knifes and blades, floor & wall scrapers, scraping blades, wire brushes, horseshoe blades, polishing cakes, tongue depressors, and kneepads all at discounted prices.
The phrase “measure twice and cut once,” often comes to mind when preparing to cut a piece of wood, metal, tile, or stone, and for a good reason. Proper preparation will save you time and money by minimizing the number of cuts you need to make, which will keep you from wasting materials. We carry high quality china markers in many colors, so you can mark your “twice-measured” measurements accurately on virtually any surface from stone to glass.
Retractable utility knives, floor & wall scrapers, utility knife blades, and replacement scraper blades come in very handy when preparing your materials for use. Retractable utility knives are great for opening boxes and cutting materials, while allowing you to quickly and safely close the blade with one hand, protecting yourself from accidental cuts. Floor and wall scrapers allow you to remove debris from smooth surfaces like glass without scratching the surface. We stock a variety of different utility knives, surface scrapers, and replacement blades, used to accomplish a number of tasks.
Keeping your materials in place when working on them is another great way to save yourself from having to repeat steps or waste material. We have tongue depressors from Bessey that work great to hold seams together when working with stone materials like granite or marble. If you’re looking for a little additional support, we carry fiberglass rodding in 100 and 300-foot rolls that will reinforce your stone slabs. Some stone fabricators prefer to use replacement fishtapes to rod the back of their stones, so we also supply 200 and 240-foot fishtapes as well.
For preparation and installation of undermount sinks we stock kits that include everything you need. These undermount sink bracket kits will not only permanently support your undermount sink, but they will help you hold the sink in place during installation. These kits are adjustable from 16 to 25-inches and are designed for anchoring cast and ceramic undermount sinks.
During preparation you may find yourself on your knees often, especially if you’re setting tile. We carry kneepads that are very durable. These rubber kneepads are made with a hard cap, polyester fabric covering, and Velcro straps that provide a snug fit.