The #2 Phillips hex bits found here are 1” replacement tips designed and manufactured by brand names to fit in any standard sized ¼” hex driver. Featuring ribbed and reinforced tips, which allow them to withstand up to fifty-percent more torque than other brands. Made with tempered S2 industrial grade steel to maximize durability while increasing tip life. At DeFusco Industrial Supply we offer #2 Phillips hex shank bits in larger quantities for increased savings.
Don’t spend more than you have to. By replacing only the last inch of your screwdriver, you only pay for what you need. Using these one-inch #2 Phillips tips in your standard hex driver will save you time, money, and space. The quick magnetic change feature of hex bits saves you time, replacing only the tip and not the driver saves you money, and their small size saves you storage space. Don’t let our low prices fool you, these are the highest quality hex bits you’ll find available on the market.